Important New Information Regarding the State of New World Development as of 2023 and Beyond

One of them is still in the preliminary stages, two of them present their information in a variety of formats, and three of them do not have an actual roadmap

One of them is still in the preliminary stages, two of them present their information in a variety of formats, and three of them do not have an actual roadmap. This is the most efficient way for you to express your approval of this channel, so please do so if you feel so inclined.


Despite the fact that it is stated at the conclusion of the most recent one that the roadmap will be released here in October, possibly in the roadmap, but not the roadmap itself, the first thing that should be brought to your attention is that we do not in fact have a roadmap

1.  This is something that we have mentioned in the past, but it bears repeating

2.  Regarding one of the topics that they talked about, we found that we were left feeling a little confused about it

3.  It appeared as though Wet would have a cast of characters in their dungeon that was comprised of a wide variety of types

4.  In point of fact, Buy New World EU Central Tir Na Nog Gold (click then buy them) was a very difficult circumstance to be in

7.  We have a strong suspicion that star Stone and Amelin were the ones responsible

8.  We are unable to ascertain what the problem was or why it occurred

9.  Let's wait and see what they have to say about how to get the most out of these two different aspects before moving forward with anything

They have always given the impression that raids will be a part of the process, despite the fact that there will be a new level of variation. It's possible that they did this because they didn't want the expedition teams to have pure variation on the noodles they were eating. It seems to me that a boss's raid is somewhat analogous to a test in nature, especially considering the fact that the first raid will most likely be a sand worm, which is essentially the same thing as a desert worm. Or, we think that they have something similar in Final Fantasy, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that we will one day be able to participate in a raid that is analogous to an actual dungeon diving adventure. Despite this, our current thinking is that it will be incorporated into the road map in some way. It's possible that I'll publish my very own personal theory at some point over the course of the following year, but it seems like a lot of work. It is likely to start raining very soon. They did not mention the number of players who are present in addition to the five that were mentioned earlier. A similar remark was made by them, and they were referring to something that sounded like the territorial control system.

They brought up the fact that we are going through some changes. We don't believe that they simply mean that the war is coming to an end when they talk about bigger plans; rather, we think that they have some even more ambitious plans in store for us. It's obvious that they haven't gone into a lot of detail about what they mean when they talk about bigger plans. There is a chance that this will take place before March, but we are unsure whether they mean a significant shift in who controls which territories or whether there will be shifts in who has the most influence in PVP. It is possible that both of these things will take place. We have a good understanding of their plans for that area, and as a result, we are aware that they have finished two PVP missions, as well as what they intend to use in its place. This is a difficult statement to make, but those of us who are influenced by vice presidents really know what their plans are for that area. They have expressed an interest in putting in place a structure. At a predetermined time, certain locations act more or less like hot spots, and it does not appear that there is a single fortress in each location.

However, it is possible that there is. It's a well-known fact that there are a great many of them.

Even if they are operating outside of small camps and making mistakes, you still have complete command over them. Even though it is abundantly clear that we do not know, the possibility remains fascinating. They just stated a significant amount of information, but they did not elaborate on how much information they stated. The reasoning behind this is predicated on the idea that the more control points you possess, the more rapidly your influence will spread throughout the region. Therefore, if you have all of the power control points, you should be able to complete the task in a relatively short period of time. That absolutely sounds like a dish that would hit the spot.

We have some ideas about how the search and filtering system for storages could be improved, and we are happy to share them with you. If you could search across all of your storages at the same time or view all of the materials you possess across all of your storages at the same time, it would be very convenient. In my opinion, the quality of life would be improved if there was no need to click each storage location in order to search for items. This would make finding things much easier.

We have a significant amount of enthusiasm for the concept. Another matter has been brought up, but as we are well into spring at this point, there are no real details. There is going to be a brand new event that is going to be held, and the name of that event is going to be Springtime Bloom. The concept of crossing domains came up in part of the conversation that the two of them had with one another. Not at all; on the contrary, we couldn't be more ecstatic because we believe that, oh, we all have cross points. We couldn't have said it better ourselves. In point of fact, we will not be expanding this system until we have finished our work with the stormtroopers in the cross field and outposts. Sorry to disappoint you, but this is the case. On this system, there will never again be another ETA that is displayed.

We have reason to believe that this is in fact the case because, most recently, when they had a technology ready gear set, they reaffirmed that they were discussing how they truly desired to rectify the situation. This provides us with reason to believe that this is in fact the case. We are unable to be certain which of the loopholes asked about how to rearrange the gears in your inventory; however, one of the loopholes did ask about this. They carried themselves in such a way. No, this is not something that has ever crossed our minds. That seems completely out of the question to us. It is a challenge to say "Oh, we want to save this set of equipment," which is another challenge on top of the fact that it is too difficult to really manage what you have in the UWE because it is too difficult to manage what you have.

In the New World EU Central Hyperborea Gold, we want to be able to store things in the order that we want them to be stored in the location that we want them to be stored, but this is something that you really can't do again. We want to be able to store things in the order that we want them to be stored in the location that we want them to be stored. It has been demonstrated that transformation into another form is feasible. I have seen a couple of posts from people in other countries, as well as other things that are of a comparable nature. However, the majority of people in this location are of the opinion that an event like this will take place in the near future. There is no estimated time of arrival provided. It's a shame that the things they talk about here might end up on the road map, but it's possible.