Seven wonder city Islamabad Housing Society

Seven Wonder City is a housing society located within Rawalpindi, Pakistan. It was established in 1997, and is the recipient of numerous prizes for its architecture and design.

Seven Wonder City is located in the outskirts Islamabad located near it's Rawal Lake. It is located at the altitude of 650m above sea-level, which makes Seven Wonder City one of the highest settlements in Pakistan and is also one of the most expensive areas to live because of its proximity the Islamabad city. The area offers excellent views of Islamabad and makes up the entirety of a single town named "Gulberg" where there are several luxurious residences as with a couple of mid-class homes to rent or sell depending upon your budget requirements!

Luxurious Society

Seven Wonder City Islamabad is an Residential Housing Society that offers high-class apartments and houses to their residents. The society was established in the year 2016 in the name of Mr. Shakil Ali, who has been an experienced businessman for many years now. 7 wonder city islamabad The principal goal of this housing association is to provide high-quality living space to its inhabitants at affordable costs with all amenities you would expect from similar communities across the country.

The area around the renowned Seven Wonder City Islamabad includes many other neighborhoods like Najimabad, Pindi Bazaar, Defence Housing Authority (DHA), Bahria Town and many more! This means you'll always find something close by if you need groceries or want some shopping completed!

Sports and schools

Schools and sports are vital in the growth of youth and children. They assist in acquiring knowledge, developing skills, and increasing confidence. They also aid in making children more responsible towards their teachers, parents and school administrators, etc.

Schools play an important role in shaping up an individual's character through teaching them the morals like discipline, respect for elders etc. This is evident from the manner our children act at school or during any other social events held by us or any other group around us.

Housing issues

Housing issues

  • The housing society is not an ideal place to live in as it has poor service and infrastructure.Also, it lacks basic amenities like electricity, water, and sewer systems that are essential necessities of every resident in Pakistan.
  • The housing society isn't an ideal place to work for either since there aren't many job opportunities in the area due to a lack of population growth as well as high unemployment rate (10-12 10%).This means that people cannot get jobs in the housing society because there aren't enough jobs there for them!
  • Another problem that is common to living in this area is boredom since there's little going on all day long, unless you want something exciting like movies or other kinds of entertainment, then the odds are extremely slim!


A society's resources society are crucial to its development and well-being. In order for a society to function effectively, it needs the resources of manpower, land, and money. One good example would be WISE City Society which was created in 2016 by Muhammad Atif Saeed Khan (the founder) with the vision to provide affordable homes for everyone living in Rawalpindi city who were unable to afford an apartment because of the high cost or the insufficient space available at that time.

The idea behind the project was simple: provide affordable housing units , so that every person could have their own home and not have any financial problems or difficulties! This means they can remain in a comfortable lifestyle while saving an amount of money every month, which will be used later on when necessary - like buying groceries, paying bills etc...

This project has proven to be successful so far because they've managed to reach all these objectives in just four years from its start date back then - thanks again guys :)

Public services

The public services are very great. They help you in every possible way. They are efficient as well as professional and reliable. The employees here are also friendly!


Governance is the act of managing a company or organization. It's an essential aspect of the property market because it will help you figure the extent to which your prospective home fits within certain parameters. Governance is also important because it will help you understand exactly how the company's management teams are involved in their work and how they communicate with residents and investors.

In order for governance to be effective, there has to be a dialogue between all involved parties the residents, investors and developers/managers. When there is no contact between these three groups , it is difficult for them all to collaborate towards common goals.

Healthcare facilities

The health facilities are available 24/7 and provide services to all age groups. They also offer treatment for adults and children alike. The healthcare facilities offer many doctors who can assess your medical condition promptly, offer appropriate treatments and prescribe medicines depending on your needs. These services are available in English language only.

These are the seven points to know about the housing society.

Seven Wonder City Islamabad Housing Society is one of the most well-known housing societies located in Islamabad. It was founded by the government in 2004, and has been providing the highest quality of accommodation to its residents since then. The housing society has been named in honor of the seven wonders of the world and you can see these available on the site:

  • The Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt
  • The Taj Mahal at Agra, India
  • Rome's Colosseum (built in 80 AD)