7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone

It is normal for students to ask for help because the excessive academic pressure makes their lives like hell.
But before you plead with any professional service or your friend, make sure you have tried the following tips in your life.

 Hello, everybody. I'm going to start with a question. How many of you know the person sitting next to you from before today? Interesting. So, do you remember the first conversation that you ever had with that person? You know conversations are links. Let's imagine every conversation to be a tiny metal link. And every time you talk to a stranger, a metal link is formed. And every conversation that you have after that moment, the link gets stronger and stronger. And every day each one of us meets so many strangers: the grocery guy, the cab guy maybe the receptionist at a new office you went to. And with every conversation we build new links. Until finally at the end, we've created a kind of massive World Wide Web of conversation. World Wide Web. It's a catchy word. I think I've heard that somewhere. That's it, right? A conversation. It's a fascinating thing. A conversation is an adventure.

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A conversation gives you a whole new perspective. A conversation opens a door. Conversations can make war and conversations can make peace. And conversations define who we are as a human race. Think about this. Every single person in your life was once a stranger to you. And you knew nothing about them until you had that first conversation. So I'm here today to tell you to talk to strangers, to have a conversation. And I'm here to tell you how. Seven ways that you can make a conversation with almost anyone. I'm a radio presenter and I love talking to people. I do. I love it. And I'm so glad that I do it for a living. Here's what my day is like. Every single morning, I go into an empty room, I put on a mic, and I have a conversation with 1.6 million people ... that I can't see. Yeah. You know what the hardest part is, though? It's time. In a four-hour show, I get 20 minutes. That's all the talk there is. And in 20 minutes I have to convince you that I am your best friend. How do I do that? How do I establish a connection? I have 20 minutes to inform you, to excite you, to engage with you but most importantly, 20 out of the 20 times that I switch on that mic, I have to leave a smile on your face. Except, I can't see you, I know nothing about you, and I have no way of gauging your reactions. How do you do it? How do you talk to a stranger? Well, my nine years in radio have taught me these simple little tricks. Strangers, they are everywhere.

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And we've always been told, "Don't talk to strangers!" But I beg to differ. Every stranger comes with an opportunity, an opportunity to learn something new, an opportunity to have an experience you've never had or hear a story that you've never heard before. And you've had that moment, right? You're in the room with someone you don't know, and you look across the room, you see a stranger, and you think, "I want to talk to this person." And you can almost hear the first word but it just won't come out, it kind of gets stuck about here, it kind of goes up and down and you don't know - You know